Scipio Chanders (Sanders) -
1880 Census
1880 Census
According to the 1880 Census, Scipio (40) was married to Amanda (30). His son was Washington Sanders (25) and he was married to Effie Sanders Sr. (22) At the time, she had a mulatto daughter named Rena Sanders. They all resided in Silver Lake Township in Desha County.
Washington Sanders &
Effie Sanders Sr. -
1900 Census
Effie Sanders Sr. -
1900 Census
According to the 1900 Census, Washington Sanders (June 1855) and Effie Sanders Sr. (January 1858) were the parents of Lemuel Sanders.
They had been married for 24 years at the time of the census. Although Washington was born in Arkansas, his parents were both born in Alabama. His wife, Effie Sanders Sr. was born in Alabama and both of her parents were from Virginia.
Their oldest daughter, Florence I "Reaves" (24) was also listed under their household. She was listed as being married for 8 years. She had two children but only one had survived to 1900. Her surviving daughter is also listed as Effie "Reaves" Jr. (1896)
The Sanders Brothers:
St. James and Lemuel -
1900 Census
St. James and Lemuel -
1900 Census
Washington and Effie Sanders had two sons: St. James and Lemuel. St. James Sanders (Aug 1881) is 18 during the 1900 Census, and Lemuel Sanders (Mar 1887) is 13. It is reported that they both can read and write.
Lemuel Sanders Marries
Katie Hays - 1908
Katie Hays - 1908
This is the marriage license of Lemuel Sanders (22) and Katie Hays (18) of Varner on April 23, 1908.